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4 companies from Gorj county act in business field Services, section Cadastre & Geodesy & Topography & Hydro & Weather Forecast.

Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre. Geodesy and soil expertise. Cartography and topographic sketches. Buildin....

Metrology and measurement services. Monitoring.


Meteorological and hydrological services. Forecasts.

Surveying measurements, technical documentation, consulting, technical assistance.

46 companies from neighbors counties( Dolj, Valcea, Mehedinti, Hunedoara ) acting in domain Services, section Cadastre & Geodesy & Topography & Hydro & Weather Forecast.

Building design hydraulic lifting topo, regularization rivers, roads, power lines. The behavior of construction documentation. Tracing. Cada....

Cadastral and topographic plans. Tabulation, accessions (merging), dismemberment (plot), a....

Performs technical documentation for registration in the Land of lands and apartments buil....

Electricity and heat counter devices. Verification and access control equipment. Metrology....

Construction design services. Construction. Construction services. Industrial and civil construction.

Design and planning for public works. Research and design in geology.

Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre. Measurements of the (un....

Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre.

Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre.

Repair of rolling stock - locomotives, wagons. Axle production and repair. Repair and maintenance of electric motors. Metrology and measurem....

Construction design services. Measurements of the (under) soil, graphical representation of surfaces. Tools and accessories.

Meteorological and hydrological services. Forecasts.

Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre.

Prospection and geological exploration. Research and design in geology.

Metrology and measurement services. Monitoring.

Winding and service for electric motors. Metrology and measurement services. Monitoring.

Geodesy and soil expertise. Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre. Land and tabulation services at land & buildi....

Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre.                                

Metrology and measurement services. Monitoring. Metal structures, profiles and fittings. Forge.

Seismic analysis.

Geodesy and soil expertise. Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadas....

Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre. Measurements of the (under) soil, graphical representation of surfaces.

Car dealers and trade. General car service. All car brands. Metrology and measurement services. Monitoring. Materials and devices for fire p....

Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre.

Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre.

Scales and precision equipment. Service and maintenance of measuring devices. Metrology and measurement services. Monitoring. Measurement an....

Mineral water manufacturer. General car service. All car brands.

Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre.

Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre. Geodesy and soil expertise. Cartography and topographic sketches. Buildin....

Land and tabulation services at land & building registers. Cartography and topographic ske....

Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre. Cartography and topographic sketches. Building and land registration offi....

Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre. Geodesy and soil expertise. Cartography and topographic sketches. Buildin....

Quality control and product expertise. Metrology and measurement services. Monitoring. Metals testing services - tensile strength, corrosion....

Automation. Metrology and measurement services. Monitoring.

Metrology and measurement services. Monitoring.

Meteorological and hydrological services. Forecasts.

Meteorological and hydrological services. Forecasts.

Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre.

Metrology and measurement services. Monitoring.

Metrology and measurement services. Monitoring.

Geodesy and soil expertise. Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadas....

Geodesy and soil expertise. Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre. Land and tabulation services at land & buildi....

Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre. Measurements of the (un....

Land and tabulation services at land & building registers. Measurements of the (under) soil, graphical representation of surfaces.

Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre. Measurements of the (under) soil, graphical representation of surfaces.

Cadastral services and measurement services. Real estate cadastre.


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