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 Atom SRL Ramnicu Valcea

 Main business
Offer services in the Architecture & Designing & Consulting & Services section of the Household domain.
Manufacturer in the Civil & Industrial & Special Contractor section of the Constructions domain.
Offer services in the Cadastre & Geodesy & Topography & Hydro & Weather Forecast section of the Services domain.

Calea lui Traian 179, Ramnicu Valcea; Strada Elena Doamna 2 - punct de lucru, Ramnicu Valc

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address
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Construction design services. Construction. Construction services. Industrial and civil construction.

Atom SRL Ramnicu Valcea encounter 1044 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Valcea:

Offers industrial and civil engineering: construction, electrical, automation, assembly, equipment, facilities, chemical technology and consulting services.

Construction design services.

Painting & graphics. Graphics and handmade design for economic agents.

Painting & graphics. Graphics and handmade design for economic agents. Handmade art graphics.


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