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 For Electronic Security SRL Targu Mures

 Main business
Trader in the Furniture & Product & Accessory & Tapestry section of the Household domain.
Trader in the Ironware & Arc & Key & Bolt & Nail & Priming section of the Industrial domain.
Manufacturer in the Forest Exploitation & Wood Processing & Products section of the Wood domain.
Manufacturer in the Conditioning & Press Forming & Galvanization section of the Industrial domain.

Strada Margaretelor 17 B, Targu Mures, 540298

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address
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Raw materials and accessories for furniture - delivery. Metal ware and accessories, nails, screws, hinges. Construction parquet and timber.

For Electronic Security SRL Targu Mures encounter 839 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Mures:

Production of furniture.

Production of furniture.

Garden furniture.

Export of small furniture pieces.


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