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 Girros Comservice SRL Arad

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Ironware & Arc & Key & Bolt & Nail & Priming section of the Industrial domain.
Trader in the Faience & Sandstone & Marble & Linoleum & Additive section of the Constructions domain.
Manufacturer in the Welding & Dyeing & Sticking & Sealing section of the Machinery domain.
Manufacturer in the Electric & Borizing & Cutting Tool section of the Machinery domain.

Calea Timisorii 30, Arad, 310245

 In charge 
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 Web address
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Nails and screws manufacturer. Machinery and accessories for welding.

Girros Comservice SRL Arad encounter 1043 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Arad:

Metal ware and accessories, nails, screws, hinges.

Safes. Keys, locks and latches for doors.

Metal ware and accessories, nails, screws, hinges.

Metal ware and accessories, nails, screws, hinges. Accessories of metal fittings for furniture industry.


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