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 Edichim SRL Gaesti

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Plastic & Rubber & Products section of the Chemistry domain.
Trader in the Raw Materials section of the Chemistry domain.

Strada N.Titulescu 23B, Gaesti

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address

Manufacturer crust and corrosion inhibitors. We offers comprehensive products and treatment programs for recycled water of industrial and domestic refrigeration systems conditioning.

Edichim SRL Gaesti encounter 1466 online visits.
Other companies with similar business field from Dambovita:

Manufacturer of varnishes and paints. Pigments. Industrial chemicals. Washable lime manufacturer. Chemical anticorrosion items. Flooring and synthetic materials for construction. Manufacturer of adhesives, plasters, putties for building material.

Varnishes and paints. Chemical anticorrosion items. Households putties. Manufacturing and wholesale trade of chemicals. Supply of building materials.

Lighting fixtures, floor lamps, chandeliers. Industrial chemicals. Lamps, street and private lighting. Production of industrial oils and lubricants. Manufacturing and wholesale trade of chemicals. Private and public lighting services.


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