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 Carocaz SRL Slatina

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Roof & Cover & (Hydro)insulating section of the Constructions domain.

Strada Poienii 9 - Fabrica, Slatina

 In charge 
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 Web address

Hydro, thermal and sound insulators. Manufacturer of adhesives, plasters, putties for building material. Plastic parts for construction. Manufacturer of construction materials.

Carocaz SRL Slatina encounter 232 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Olt:

Industrial and civil construction. Construction and maintenance of roads and bridges. Thermal and hydro insulation. Metal structures, profiles and fittings. Materials for concrete prefabs for construction. Maintenance and repair of railways.

Industrial and civil construction. Socio-cultural constructions. Civil construction finishing. Waterproofing professional services and materials. Arrangements and interior design. False ceilings, plating, finishing services. Tools and equipment.

Manufacturer of various garments. Roof tile. Fitter and supplier of windows and roof windows. Chimneys and evacuation gas systems. Chimney importing.

Waterproofing professional services and materials. Construction design services. Civil construction finishing. Construction consultancy services. Construction and architecture. False ceilings, plating, finishing services.


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