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 Bog-Vedis Company SRL Lugoj

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Control & Measure & Automation & Simulator section of the Appliance domain.
Trader in the Control & Measure & Automation & Simulator section of the Appliance domain.
Manufacturer in the Wood & Metal Structures section of the Constructions domain.
Offer services in the Energy Distribution & Network & Equipment section of the Electrical domain.

Strada Memorandului 2, Lugoj, 305500

 In charge 
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Sensors and automation for industrial control panels. Automation. Metal structures, profiles and fittings. Electrical engineering and automation. Electrical equipment and appliances. Plants and equipment for house heating.

Bog-Vedis Company SRL Lugoj encounter 1139 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Timis:

Equipment for welding and automation. Systems and equipment for automation. Automation. Industrial electronic products. Components and subassemblies.

Measuring and control devices. Fault detection in pipes and wires. Systems control, protection and control of electric power. Electronics manufacturer.

Industrial software equipment. Automation. Electrical equipment and appliances.

Automation. Software and custom solutions. Service providers. Software.


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