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 Berbecaru Victoria A.F. Botiza

 Main business
Trader in the Art Shop section of the Culture domain.
Offer services in the Cotton & Wool & Ban & Raw Materials section of the Clothing domain.
Offer services in the Housing & Camping & Chalet & Bungalow section of the Tourism domain.

Nr.743, Botiza, 437065

 In charge 
Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact the Berbecaru Victoria A.F. Botiza representative.
 Mobile phone
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 Web address
Not available.

Folk art, ethnography and folklore. Dye house for wool yarns and fabrics. Rural tourism. Guesthouse.

Berbecaru Victoria A.F. Botiza encounter 1249 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Maramures:

Rural tourism. Guesthouse. Crafts and folk-art shops. Painting & graphics.

Folk art, ethnography and folklore. Promotional centre for traditional cultural values.

Publishing house. Folk art, ethnography and folklore. Touristic services.

Exhibition hall. Art Gallery. Crafts and folk-art shops.


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