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 Baza de Aprovizionare si Desfacere a Industriei Brasov

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Pipe & Loom & Wheels & Bearing section of the Machinery domain.
Trader in the Ironware & Arc & Key & Bolt & Nail & Priming section of the Industrial domain.
Manufacturer in the Detergent & Solvent & Adesive & Glue section of the Chemistry domain.

Strada 13 Decembrie nr.63, Brasov

 In charge 
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Roller bearings with various applications. Various chains. Devices for roller bearings. Adhesives and derivates production. Hand tools. Fasteners. Transmission belts.

Baza de Aprovizionare si Desfacere a Industriei Brasov encounter 1304 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Brasov:

Roller bearings with various applications. Storage and merchandising of roller bearings. Sale of car accessories and spare parts. Trader and distributor of motor vehicles and cars.

Roller bearings with various applications. Storage and merchandising of roller bearings.

Roller bearings with various applications.

Trailers and semitrailers for vehicles of any capacity.


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