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 Andromeda Service SRL Arad

 Main business
Offer services in the Drilling Oil & Marine & Construction section of the Services domain.
Importer/Exporter in the Interior Decoration & Improvement & Utility section of the Household domain.
Trader in the Petrochemistry & Fuel & Gas & Refinement section of the Chemistry domain.
Trader in the Heat & Thermal Equipment section of the Appliance domain.

Strada Gorunului 24, Arad, 310212

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address
Not available.

Horizontal drilling services. Gas transportation services and distribution. Plants and equipment for house heating. Methane equipment and distribution. Air conditioning and heating devices. Building equipment. Construction consultancy services.

Andromeda Service SRL Arad encounter 2450 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Arad:

Real estate agency. Property appraiser for land and buildings.

Security services and protection. Alarm systems, security and safety systems. Equipment provider for security, protection and supervision.

Topography. Cadastre. Engineering surveying. Topographic measurements. Miscellaneous construction work and interior fittings. Best prices. Superior quality. Inland and non-agricultural land registration. Notaries / building contractors. Change destination of real estate. Real estate category change. Real estate dismantling. Real estate repairs. Drawing parcel plans for the issue of property titles. Land / Construction Tracking. Systematic cadastre.

Emplacement and maintenance services of ecological toilets. Sanitation and urban service delivery, grooming.


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