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 Cosma Luigi-Corneliu Intreprindere Individuala - Servicii Funerare Botosani

 Main business
Offer services in the Funerary section of the Services domain.

Strada Tudor Vladimirescu 57, Botosani

 In charge 
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 Web address

Funeral offer loved ones a chance to express their love and respect for the dead and to say a final farewell. We offer a wide range of services and you can choose the method and type of service according to your wishes and options we can offer all you need to help in a moment so difficult. Coffin fully equipped and cross starting from 300 lei. Laying the deceased in the coffin. Embalming by authorized personnel. Free Transport coffin home.

Cosma Luigi-Corneliu Intreprindere Individuala - Servicii Funerare Botosani encounter 579 online visits.
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