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 Chimro Prod SRL Craiova

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Horticulture & Gardening & Flower & Hothouse & Wine section of the Agriculture domain.

Calea Severinului 46B, Craiova

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address

Manufacturer and distributor of liquid complex foliar fertilizers. The only fertilizer producer in Romania certified ISO 9001 and Environment 14001.

Chimro Prod SRL Craiova encounter 282 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Dolj:

Cereals trade. Cereal supplier. Technical crops growth. Wine made. Cellar. Wine cellars.

Plant research and growth. Nurseries trade. Production of canned vegetables and fruits. Fruit growers. Tree growing.

Research in the agriculture field. Fruit research and production. Consulting services in agriculture.

Research in the agriculture field. Fruit research and production. Wine made. Vineyard. Consulting services in agriculture.


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