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 Dalor SRL Craiova

 Main business
Offer services in the Commodities International & Shipping section of the Transport domain.
Offer services in the Road Commodities National section of the Transport domain.

Strada Rosmarinilor 33A, Craiova

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address
Not available.

Goods road transport company, domestic and international.

Dalor SRL Craiova encounter 574 online visits.
Other companies with similar business field from Dolj:

Rail transport services. International freight transport system.

Perform domestic and international transport trucks with payload of 1.5 tons and 2.7 tons, as well as trucks with payload between 3t and 20t. We offer services including shipping.

Industrial and civil construction. Concrete and aggregates for gravel pit.

Domestic and international transportation of goods, forwarding house, tanks, tarpaulins, trailer, refrigerated, low loader, ADR.


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