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 Dumarex SRL Galati

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Assembling Structures & Facilities section of the Constructions domain.
Manufacturer in the Building Material section of the Constructions domain.
Manufacturer in the Warming System section of the Constructions domain.
Manufacturer in the Wood & Metal Structures section of the Constructions domain.

Bulevardul Dunarea 40, Bl.F3, Ap.26, Galati

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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Industrial doors, garage doors, automation and barriers. Quality services during the design until post-warranty period. 4 years experience in the field.

Dumarex SRL Galati encounter 1268 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Galati:

European quality traditional barbecues. They work with a rustic flavor to modern standards giving parties.

We perform plumbing, electrical, heating, air conditioning, interior, electric welding, argon, CO2, natural products sales, dermato-cosmetics.

Steel & iron works repair, assembly and construction. Rolling stock. Travelling crane. Cranes. Repairs for transport/hoisting equipment. Repair of auto cranes. Maintenance and service for hydraulic equipment. Industrial services. Repair of industrial equipments.

Electrical networks - installation and setup for constructions. Specialised construction for energy.


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