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 Solutii Personalizate SRL Bucuresti

 Main business
Offer services in the Control & Measure & Automation & Simulator section of the Appliance domain.
Offer services in the Telecommunication & Network section of the Communications domain.
Offer services in the Mobile Communication section of the Communications domain.
Offer services in the It Engineering & Networking section of the Computers domain.

Strada Gura Ialomitei 8, Bl.H31, Sc.A, Et.2, Ap.5, Bucuresti 3

 In charge 
Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact the Solutii Personalizate SRL Bucuresti representative.
 Mobile phone
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Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact Solutii Personalizate SRL Bucuresti.
 Web address

We offer free consulting, brokerage, brokerage contracts for companies with telecommunications operators. Support to optimize the costs of communications.

Solutii Personalizate SRL Bucuresti encounter 1036 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Bucuresti:

Alarm systems, security and safety systems.

Systems and equipment for automation. Power industry consulting. Supplier for power industry. Parts and accessories for machine tools. Reducers. Other electrical appliances. Electric motors. Electrical equipment and appliances. Electrical machines.

Automation heating, air conditioning systems, industrial installations, metering technology, computer-control systems, gas analyzers, supply equipment, cranes.

Measuring and control devices. Hydrometers, water-flow meters. Import of measuring and control devices. Manufacturers of environment protection equipments. Food industry equipment.


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