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 Trans Miro SRL Bucuresti

 Main business
Offer services in the (Petro)chemical & Special Shipping section of the Transport domain.
Offer services in the Commodities International & Shipping section of the Transport domain.

Strada Dreptatii 8, Bucuresti

 In charge 
Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact the Trans Miro SRL Bucuresti representative.
 Mobile phone
Not available.
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Not available.
 Web address
Not available.

Transportation of construction materials.

Trans Miro SRL Bucuresti encounter 717 online visits.
Other companies with similar business field from Bucuresti:

Romanian companies performing internal and external transport.

Domestic and international transport of food liquids, chemicals and petroleum, liquefied gas. Hoyer Member of the Group.

Rent construction equipment and personal auto deservent, benefits and services construction machinery automobiles.

Perform transport - capacity of oil tank 37 000 l.


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