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 Termocad SRL Cluj-Napoca

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Control & Measure & Automation & Simulator section of the Appliance domain.
Offer services in the Central Heating & Power Plant section of the Household domain.
Offer services in the Furnace & Boiler section of the Equipments domain.

Strada Burebista 2, Cluj-Napoca

 In charge 
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Construction, installation, servicing, repairing of thermal power plant. Maintenance and repair of boilers. Automation.

Termocad SRL Cluj-Napoca encounter 875 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Cluj:

Access systems and employees timekeeping. Alarms and fire prevention systems. Alarm systems, security and safety systems. Closed circuit television. Video surveillance systems.

Measuring and control devices. Air compressors. Painting equipment. Blast cleaning equipment.

Scales and precision equipment. Systems and equipment for automation. Provider and service provider for fiscal cash registers. Metrology and measurement services. Monitoring. Measuring and control devices. Safety & health at work.

Manufacturer of electronic equipment for automation, automation provider.


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