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 Statiunea de Cercetare si Dezvoltare pentru Pomicultura Bistrisa

 Main business
Offer services in the Horticulture & Gardening & Flower & Hothouse & Wine section of the Agriculture domain.
Manufacturer in the Horticulture & Gardening & Flower & Hothouse & Wine section of the Agriculture domain.
Manufacturer in the Alcohol Production section of the Beverages domain.

Drumul Dumitrei Noi 3, Bistrita, 420127

Bistrita Nasaud
 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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Install InfoCompanies software in order to contact Statiunea de Cercetare si Dezvoltare pentru Pomicultura Bistrisa.
 Web address
Not available.

Fruit research and production. Fruit growers. Tree growing. Distillery of alcoholic beverages. Industrial production of alcoholic beverages.

Statiunea de Cercetare si Dezvoltare pentru Pomicultura Bistrisa encounter 5456 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Bistrita Nasaud:

Fruit growers. Tree growing. Fruit trade. Cereal supplier. Milling and bakery. Pastry - production. Bakery. Wheat products.

Production/printing of flags, pennants, banners. Banners and flags for commemorations and celebrations. Import of ornamental plants and flowers. Printing on textile. Advertise on textile backing. Advertising agency. Interior design and garden plants.


Fruit growers. Tree growing. Fruit research and production. Nurseries trade.


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