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 Scoala de Arte Ion Irimescu Suceava

 Main business
Offer services in the Refresher & (Re)training Courses section of the Education domain.
Manufacturer in the Plastic Art & Graphic & Engraving & Sculpture section of the Culture domain.

Strada Universitatii 48, Suceava, 720228

 In charge 
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Courses and dance school. Paintings and pictures.

Scoala de Arte Ion Irimescu Suceava encounter 2391 online visits.
Other companies with similar business field from Suceava:

Initiate and organize courses accredited qualification in profession: masseur and masseuse technician, beautician, maid children / elderly / sick babysiter.

Clubs and courses for students. Courses and dance school. Ballet classes. PC processors courses.

Documentation centre, information studies. Training/retraining vocational courses.

Training/retraining vocational courses.


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