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 Replant Medical SRL Targu Mures

 Main business
Trader in the Supply section of the Health domain.
Trader in the Lab & Office Equipment section of the Health domain.

Strada Calarasilor 47, Targu Mures, 540320

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address

Techno medical products and applications. Medical equipment for hospitals, clinics, medical offices.

Replant Medical SRL Targu Mures encounter 1429 online visits.
Other companies with similar business field from Mures:

Commerce dental materials and equipment. Products are high quality and are recommended by the dental personnel.

Dental products storage.

The dental office.

Picture. Dental office is equipped to European standards, with a team of experienced doctors. We are really focused on the beauty of your smile.


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