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 Printor Prodexim SRL Oradea

 Main business
Offer services in the Material & Product & Processing section of the Plastics domain.
Manufacturer in the Pack & Encasement Paper & Carton section of the Wood domain.
Manufacturer in the Pack section of the Plastics domain.

Strada Rimanoczy Kálman 18, Oradea, 410095

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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 Web address

Paper and cardboard packaging with various uses. Food and gifts bags/paper bags.

Printor Prodexim SRL Oradea encounter 1584 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Bihor:

Production/supply of plastics.

Processing of plastics. Plastic packaging. Production/supply of plastics.

Raw materials for plastics industry. Brushes, lime brushes and painters for paintings.

Processing of plastics. Equipment and tools for gardens and gardening. Plastic furniture. Plastic packaging. Production of housekeeping and household items. Brushes, lime brushes and painters for paintings.


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