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 Pomponio SA Vintu de Jos

 Main business
Manufacturer in the Civil & Industrial & Special Contractor section of the Constructions domain.

Strada Lucian Blaga 2, Vintu de Jos, 517875

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
Not available.
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Industrial buildings, design of store-houses and warehouses. Civil engineering.

Pomponio SA Vintu de Jos encounter 4791 online visits.
Other companies with similar activities located in Alba:

Cottages Voda - solid wood construction houses, cottages, attics or garden furniture - we offer quality, experience. We are a team of professionals.

Demolition / decommissioning. Construction and civil engineering. Climbing utility. Electrical and civil engineering. Automation. Alternative energy.

Construction from foundation to roof: demolition, foundation, masonry, finishes, roof slab arrangement.

Civil-houses, red or key plating polystyrene, PVC & aluminum producer directly, heating, building renovations.


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