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 M.S. Real Media SRL Bucuresti

 Main business
Headquarter in the Photo & Labs & Studio section of the Services domain.
Offer services in the Photo & Labs & Studio section of the Services domain.
Manufacturer in the Audio & Video Production section of the Mass Media domain.
Manufacturer in the Photo & Audio & Video Services section of the Mass Media domain.

Strada Faurei 5, Bucuresti 1, 013185

 In charge 
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 Mobile phone
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 Web address

Film production and advertising clips studio. Production and distribution of films, videos and DVDs. Photo lab - developing/video and image processing. Photo studio and lab.

M.S. Real Media SRL Bucuresti encounter 1261 online visits.
Other companies acting in similar business from Bucuresti:

Videochat professional (adult / nonadult Streaming) with a real experience of over 8 years.

If you need a professional photographer looking for me with confidence.

Organizing personal events: weddings, christenings, parties for children as well as corporate events conferences, theme parties company.


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