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Profiles from 0 to 20 out of the 33 companies which encounter 53.516 visits in the business field Beverages, business section Raw Materials.

One of the most important companies in Romania in the distribution of ingredients and flav....

Producing aluminum caps for the food industry (pilfer proof caps used for bottling alcohol....

Manufacturer of concentrates/syrups for soft drinks. Stocks and merchandise purchase. Soft drinks - production.

Mineral water manufacturer. Soft drinks manufacturer. Manufacturer of concentrates/syrups for soft drinks. Soft drinks - production. Soda sh....

Coffee - trade. Machinery and accessories for coffee.                        

Wholesale importer of coffee. Distributor of coffee. Machinery and accessories for coffee.

Ingredients and raw materials for brewers. Wine made.

Alcoholic beverages - beer manufacturer. Ingredients and raw materials for brewers.

Coffee - trade. Distributor of coffee.

Online coffee shop located in Targoviste, specialized in selling banknote readers and cons....

Canned. Production of canned/stewed fruit. Manufacturer of concentrates/syrups for soft drinks. Production of canned vegetables.

Coffee - trade. Automated vending machines for hot beverage.                        

Manufacturer of concentrates/syrups for soft drinks. Food retailers.

Coffee - trade.

Wholesale importer of coffee. Coffee processing and packaging. Machinery and accessories for coffee. Distributor of coffee.

Wholesale importer of coffee. Distributor of coffee.

Ingredients and raw materials for brewers.

Coffee - trade.                        

Wholesale importer of coffee.                        

Wholesale importer of coffee.                        

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